REGISTERED COUNSELLOR : relationship & connection specialist
SIMONE Michelle Vasques Poppleton
MPhil in Social and Developmental Psychology (Cambridge); BEd Hons (Edu Psychology) (Pretoria);
PGCE (WITS); BA Psychology (WITS)
HPCSA No.: PRC 0031887
Practice No.: 0716049
"People start to heal the moment they feel heard".
~ Cheryl Richardson
For where our roots run deep, all families, of all shapes and sizes are welcome. Stable families are the cornerstone of society; families shape our attitudes, hopes, ambitions and values, but family can also be the source of pain, hurt, disappointment and negative inter-generational patterns of behaviours. I believe all individuals and families experiencing difficulties in their home life will benefit from attending counselling to help them successfully navigate the different seasons in life. I affirm that working with the unit as a whole is the most effective way of breaking negative patterns and cycles and blossoming where we are planted.
Where love always hopes, always perseveres.
Relationships require two different people, with different unspoken rules and different love languages, to say 'I choose you even if I don't always like you'.
I refer to The Model of Love by Yale University Psychologist, Robert Sternberg in which love is made up of biology, cognition and emotions, and the way love is expressed and experienced naturally changes over time. I assist my clients in dealing with these changes, such that they may come to experience freedom in loving their authentic selves and experience how love’s many forms can strengthen and deepen at all stages of a relationship, be it pre-marriage, newly wed, unmarried, or marriage-veterans.
I have developed a 9 week equipping course for couples called Courageous Couples Course. This is a semi-structured connection orientated programme that works! The sessions emphasise DEEP CONNECTION, COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS & DEEPEN INTIMACY in all areas of your coupleship.
As your Guide, I aid you in reviving your relationship and bringing it to its true fullness.
For engaged couples or couples seriously considering embarking on the next step of your relationship, I have especially designed a 9 week premarriage programme called "Building your Marriage Home" where I guide you on how to build a marriage that lasts from the ground up.
Each session I teach you a key relational concept, you have the opportunity to apply this concept in the session and I give you homework so you can continue to stretch the muscle and practice at home. Sessions are process orientated rather than problem orientated.